Residential and commercial properties should have intact structural integrity to serve their purpose. But if you’ve been a property owner long enough, you’ll know that structural issues are inevitable, especially when no preventive measures are taken before occupancy.
Hiring a waterproofing expert can help you get rid of damage while simultaneously improving your home. These professionals can help you prevent cracks, gaps, and other issues caused by water penetration in a building. Let us learn more about their roles in this short blog.
Benefits of Hiring a Waterproofing Expert for Your Home Improvement Plan
One will need waterproofing services in different parts of their properties: retaining walls, bathrooms, rooftops, balconies, and basements. Regardless of the type of waterproofing you need, it is important to hire a professional to get the job done for you instead of doing it yourself. Here’s why:
1. They are experienced.
Employing the services of a waterproofing company means that there will be a team of experienced professionals who will work on the project. These people can recommend different waterproofing solutions an area needs as they assess the surface more carefully. Moreover, they can address the main issue that causes the leakage (if any) and prevent it from happening again.
When looking for a waterproofing service provider, always ask about the company and its staff’s years of service. The more experience they get, the better service you, as a client, will receive.
2. They know the right tools to use.
Aside from experience, expertise, and strong attention to detail, another aspect that will perfect a waterproofing job is the tools used for the project. Professionals who specialise in waterproofing know the best equipment and techniques to use for different tasks based on their assessment of the type of surface, area, the extent of needed waterproofing, and materials suited for the project.
If you don’t use the right tools, you may not be able to achieve the following:
- Efficiency
- Precision
- Durability
- Safety
- Compatibility
- Cost-effectiveness
3. They can provide you with a detailed quotation.
A quotation is a document given to clients to inform them of the service costs before they agree to do business with the company. However, not all contractors can provide you with a detailed quotation. That is why it is best to hire professional contractors from reputable companies like Superior Waterproofing.
A detailed quotation is essential for these reasons:
It gives you the clarity and understanding you need of the company’s deliverables or the services included in the project.
It accurately lays out the breakdown of costs, the scope of work, and the materials needed. The list of costs includes the materials to use, labour, equipment, and other additional expenses necessary for the job’s completion.
It ensures transparency and accountability between both parties.
It helps the clients compare the project cost of different waterproofing service providers. This way, they can choose the best one to suit their needs and budget.
It avoids complications in case there are disputes or disagreements (e.g., additional costs, change of prices).
What does a detailed quotation look like?
Generally, a quotation has the following components:
Company Details: The quotation must have the important details of the service provider, such as the company name, complete address, contact number, email, VAT number, and logo. You may also include their website, if any. Incorporating your brand into the design is also valuable to increase customer awareness.
Customer Data: Bear in mind that the business is creating a personalised quote for each of its clients, who all have their specific needs when it comes to waterproofing. Putting the customer’s data on the quotation will make them feel that the offer is exclusive.
Quotation Date: Quotation dates are important for businesses. It helps them keep track of the quote order, especially when they have been preparing several versions of each document when there are negotiations. With a quotation date indicated, you’ll know the final arrangement you have agreed upon.
Expiration Date: Quotations have expiration dates, too. Most companies’ quotes are valid for 30 days after the issuance. Expiration dates are essential for two main reasons: (1) it creates a sense of urgency because of the limited-time offer, and (2) reminds the customers that the offers aren’t meant for eternity as the materials and equipment needed for the project may become more expensive as time goes by.
Detailed Service Description and Pricing: Of course, quotations must reflect a detailed description of the service. Bear in mind that waterproofing projects have different specifics depending on the client’s needs. See to it that the quotation you receive has a detailed breakdown and description of the service as well as their respective prices.
Terms and Conditions: Some contractors add the terms and conditions of the transaction. This is to avoid confusion and misunderstanding for both parties.
4. Their quality work can help you save money in the long run.
You may think hiring a waterproofing contractor will just make you spend more money when you can do the project yourself. However, some property owners fail to remember that waterproofing is more than just applying a waterproofing material on the surface. It involves a complex process from start to finish, therefore needing the help of a professional.
With a contractor’s high-quality work, you will have a guarantee that it will last for a longer period, and your property will stay dry and protected from the harmful effects of water. Hence, you won’t have to pay money for repairs or replacements in the future.
Some service providers also offer reworks of their services with little to no costs.
5. They ensure your and your property’s safety during the project.
Waterproofing, especially in the basement, is a labour-extensive process paired with various safety concerns. One wrong move may cause more damage to your property, which puts everyone’s safety at risk.
Professional waterproofing contractors will always put the proper safety measures in place to prevent collapses and other issues from happening. This step is crucial to protect you and the staff working on the project.
6. Clear Communication
It is important for property owners to know the progress of the projects—whether it is a waterproofing job or any construction work on their homes or commercial buildings. Hiring a trusted waterproofing company can bring you that!
These contractors will ensure clear-cut communication with their clients and provide them with the necessary updates. Moreover, constant communication between the two parties guarantees the client’s needs are met.
7. Most importantly, they take away the hassle from you!
Waterproofing jobs require a lot of time and effort. Plus, trying to achieve high-quality results would be a headache if you don’t have an in-depth knowledge of the materials to use and techniques to follow for the project. But any of these won’t be your problem if you hire a waterproofing professional!
Looking for Waterproofing Experts? Superior Waterproofing is Here!
Superior Waterproofing has a team of trusted waterproofing experts who can provide you with the solutions you need. We offer waterproofing services for bathrooms, retaining walls, basements, and rooftops. Feel free to browse our website or call us at +61468760750 for more information about our services.